A look at current events from the point of a view of a Conservative Evangelical Christian who stands firmly on the Word of God (that's the Bible for those of you at Berkley) and stands behind the Constitution of the United States of America. So grab yourself a big cup of java, kick back in your chair and enjoy another member of the "vast right wing conspiracy" making his voice heard.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The War on the War

Today marks the 5th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq after Saddam Hussein repeatedly refused to cooperate with an other wise useless UN to release and reveal the truth about a possible weapons program. Obviously this has brought out every anti-war kook from sea to shining sea...and for many of them, it appears that this is the one day of the year they actually get up before noon.

In their honor i thought i would help them advertise their ignorance a little bit. A few weeks ago, after the city of Berkley decided to ban the United States Marine Corps from maintaining a recruiting office in their granola city (full of fruits, nuts and flakes) Comedy Central decided to send an under cover reporter in to interview the anti-war lefties. This chosen warrior once served in the USMC himself and seems like a fitting choice to me to venture into the code pinkies. Here is the video:

My favorite part of this is when one protester says it's their free speech right to protest the Marines, and the the interviewer then asks, "If only there was an organization that was sworn to defend that free speech..." (like the USMC.)
Her response was, "Wouldn't that be great!"
It's always good to know who could possibly be cancelling out my well researched, thought out and educated vote.

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