A look at current events from the point of a view of a Conservative Evangelical Christian who stands firmly on the Word of God (that's the Bible for those of you at Berkley) and stands behind the Constitution of the United States of America. So grab yourself a big cup of java, kick back in your chair and enjoy another member of the "vast right wing conspiracy" making his voice heard.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Have they no shame?

My guess would be not a drop of it!

General David Petraeus, head of the US military actions in Iraq is set to give his most recent report in the hallowed halls of the US Congress today; and those on the left who feel that they need US defeat in order for them to win are already attacking. Apparently these so called "leaders" who have no shame nor honor are attacking a highly decorated military man who is also a graduate of the US Army Academy, and probably is the very definition of honor.

Rahm Emanual (D-IL), head of the Democratic Caucus said this on the House floor concerning the Petraeus progress report, "We don't need a report that wins the Nobel Prize for creative statistics or the Pulitzer for fiction." Is this mouth piece for the Democrats daring to call this patriot and war hero a "liar"?!?! And to make it worst, he is doing this in the US tax payer owned House of Representatives!

This is reprehensible and dishonorable at the very least and unpatriotic and treasonous to the core! Keep in mind though, he speaks for this "majority" in the US House and Senate. He is also not the only the member of the liberal left spewing this filth, the democrat liberal loving website and attack machine move.org recently ran an ad in the New York Slimes that read, "And This Is What It's Going To Be: 'General Petraeus Or General Betray Us? Cooking The Books For The White House.'"

There is truly no honor among thieves!

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