A look at current events from the point of a view of a Conservative Evangelical Christian who stands firmly on the Word of God (that's the Bible for those of you at Berkley) and stands behind the Constitution of the United States of America. So grab yourself a big cup of java, kick back in your chair and enjoy another member of the "vast right wing conspiracy" making his voice heard.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The New Front to the War on Terror

One of the struggles our men and women in uniform have had with our war on terror is knowing who the enemy is. In places like Iraq and Afghanistan those militant Islamofascists can easily blend in with the landscape and the way of life with the average Muslim until their time to strike comes. It has made things difficult to say the least according to many reports from these heroes protecting our freedoms abroad.

Apparently we have a new front to the war on terror, right here within our borders and the primary target is our own US military. Last week's cowardly bombing of a military recruiting station in Times Square is just one of many attacks on our military various ways. Michelle Malkin is keeping track of this for us and reports the following:
***March 2003. Ithaca, NY anti-war zealots plot to pour blood on the walls of a recruiting center. On St. Patrick’s Day, wielding cups of their own blood, they entered a Lansing military recruitment office and splashed the human blood over recruiting posters, military cutouts and the American flag.

***January 20, 2005. At Seattle Central Community College, Army recruiter Sgt. Jeff Due and his colleague, Sgt. 1st Class Douglas Washington were surrounded by an angry mob of 500 anti-war students. The recruiters’ table was destroyed; their handouts torn apart. The protesters threw water bottles and newspapers at the soldiers…

***Feb. 1, 2005. At a South Toledo, Ohio recruitment center, unhinged protesters hurled manure all over the building. They broke windows and sprayed vulgar grafitti … on office property.

***Mid-Feb. 2005. 20-year-old anti-war goon Brendan Walsh is sentenced to five years in federal prison for hurling a Molotov cocktail through the window of a Vestal, NY military recruitment office in 2003.

***Jan. 2007. Anti-war radicals lay siege to the US Capitol and smash windows at the recruitment center on 14th and L. [In] Pittsburgh anti-recruiter organizers shut down a military recruitment station for a whole day. They brandish hateful signs [reading]: “Recruiters are child predators.”

***Jan. 2008. The Code Pink/City Council siege at the Berkeley recruiting center reaches a boiling point. Protesters chain themselves to the station to shut it down and vandalize the windows with bloody handprints.

***Feb. 2008. Anarchists trash the recruiting station at 14th and L in Washington, D.C., which has been subjected to multiple attacks.

***March 2008. A bomb goes off at the frequently targeted Times Square recruitment center.

It is one thing to fight an enemy like Islamofascism from the outside that hates our way of life and our freedom; but for us to also have to fight anarchists and hate filled liberals from within is nothing short of treason!
And in the fall, when some of these groups go to the polls...keep in mind who they will be voting for!


Anonymous said...

"[N]othing short of treason."

Ah. Then get them indicted on charges of treason! Rots o' ruck!

boBByd said...

The sad thing is charges of treason are unlikely because Article III Section 3 of the constitution delineates treason as follows:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

And while attacks on our military would probably qualify as acts of war,the Constitution also says:

"The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted."

That means it would be up to a liberal democrat controlled congress who apparently also views our military as the "bad guys" to indict them...and their record shows that they would rather chase red herrings and investigate anything and everything else of no substance.

Anonymous said...

"That means it would be up to a liberal democrat controlled congress who apparently also views our military as the "bad guys" to indict them, etc, etc."

Perhaps. I noticed, however, that half of the items on the list of "treasonous" events took place on the watch of a Republican-controlled Congress, before the '06 elections.

boBByd said...

Doc, kind of like how Bill Clinton's administration had no bearing on the attacks of 9/11, right? Dates are only important to the left when convenient. The fact is this appears to be getting worst and probably will continue to get worst as long as we have our current leadership in Congress who finds it more convenient to look the other way rather than harm their anti-American base.

boBByd said...

And just for the record...the one conviction that is listed came prior to the 2006 elections; i don't expect much more of that under our current congressional "leadership" (and i use that term very loosely)

Anonymous said...

Doc, kind of like how Bill Clinton's administration had no bearing on the attacks of 9/11, right? Dates are only important to the left when convenient.

Well, again, no. I made a point about the dates, the point being that half of them were under Republican Congresses. The point about September 11 is that it happened under Bush.

Credit where credit is due; the same with blame.

Let's jump past that, however. I can't believe I let you drag me down that alleyway crammed with red herrings.

Congress doesn't indict people for treason; nor does it conduct the trial. What does a Democratically-controlled Congress have to do with anything at all?

boBByd said...

Doc, isn't all you do on these blogs is post red herrings instead of dealing with facts?

boBByd said...

Unlike a liberal i am more than willing to admit when i mis-state something. I will admit to being wrong in suggesting that the dem controlled congress is responsible for indicting these treasonous low lives for treason...it is their responsibility according to the Constitution to declare the punishment. Which under this current congressional leadership would amount to nothing more than a slap on the wrist i'm sure.

boBByd said...

Doc, take a good look...you can see my name is there and has been there for a few weeks. As for CGC, if he chooses to remain nameless that is up to him; but one this is for sure he is not hiding behind anything to troll around and play the roll of a sock puppet.

Anonymous said...


You're right; Congress gets to set the punishment. But is that just, "Okay, people, here's the punishment for treason," and it's uniform across the board? Or do they get to set the punishment on a case-by-case basis--that is, does the punishment phase of every treason trial go to Congress?

I don't know the answers to those questions.

Also: do you honestly feel that all those things on your list really deserve the full-court press that treason entails? Isn't March 2003. Ithaca, NY anti-war zealots plot to pour blood on the walls of a recruiting center. On St. Patrick’s Day, wielding cups of their own blood, they entered a Lansing military recruitment office and splashed the human blood over recruiting posters, military cutouts and the American flag qualitatively and quantitatively different than, say, selling nuclear secrets to China? In your mind, are those people traitors in the full legal meaning of the term?

Guilty of trespassing, yes; destroying public property, yes; even disorderly conduct. But treason?