Just for the record, this is the Liberal Implosion owner, bobby speaking here, not my partner in crime from CCG who is also a contributor to Liberal Implosion.
Tomorrow is the Arkansas Primary, we are one of many states voting on "Super Tuesday" to select our party's nominee for President of the United States. This has been a rough campaign season for me and i've done what i can not to criticize any of the candidates unless it was absolutely necessary, and have seen some great possible Presidents drop out of the race. On issue by issue I probably agreed the most with Rep. Duncan Hunter from CA or former Sen. Fred Thompson from TN, but both of these men have set aside their campaign after seeing the writing on the wall. That now leaves us with Sen. John McCain of AZ, former Gov. Mike Huckabee from AR, former Mitt Romney from MA, and Rep. Ron Paul of TX.
I'll start with Ron Paul...he's a libertarian, and although i can agree with him on many issues, i disagree with him far too much, so he is not an option.
Then there is John McCain, the alleged "maverick" of the Republican party. I have seen his name on too much bad legislation and he has consistently sided with the democrats far too much since 2000 for me to support him in this primary. Although he does have an about an 85% conservative voting record...that 15% worries me.
Mike Huckabee is a great man who i greatly respect. He came in to the Governor's office in AR and had to clean up behind both Bill Clinton and then Jim Guy Tucker who could not carry on the Clinton legacy without getting caught. While i respect him as a leader, and even though i am a baptist pastor myself who is serving in the same association he once moderated...i just don't think i can support him in this primary. I believe Mike Huckabee is the essence of compassionate conservative, but with a little too much emphasis on the compassionate part. I can only imagine him becoming what President George W. Bush has become in terms of spending because of this.
That leaves Mitt Romney, and tomorrow when i walk into the voting booth with a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America and my Bible in hand...i will be voting for Gov. Romney. I realize as a baptist many would expect me to balk at his religious beliefs, which i do disagree with whole heatedly, but i'm also not electing a theologian in chief. I think he has the know how to lead us out of the economic quagmire we are in, and i do believe that he has seen the light when it comes to issues of sanctity of life and traditional family values. And i also have no doubt that when put head to head against either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, he will show that he is the proven leader that this great country needs in the Oval Office.
So my endorsement (Bobby speaking only) is Mitt Romney.